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Despair touches everyone, young or old, rich or poor. There is no escaping its eventuality, but how do you repair from despair? In this one-of-a-kind, jewel of a book, Janine Turner invites you into her ultra-private, survival journey where she walks through heart-wrenching emotions eventually finding joy. Whether for pleasure or to heal from your own pain, Janine's "read, meditate, apply" format--Pivot Principle prose, passion poetry, and personal reflection- is a rich, riveting read culminating in her personal anthem: Don't give up before the miracle!


Single moms are not just a product of our modern culture. There have been single mothers throughout history, women who have raised not only their children but also nations with a higher vision for life. Holding Her Head High recounts stories of twelve such women from the third to the twenty-first centuries, women who found ways to twist their fates to represent God's destiny for their lives.

Actress Janine Turner, herself a single mother, describes the social implications for women and children from the Roman Empire through the Middle Ages to Pioneer days, including a single mother of slavery. Stories from women like Rachel Lavein Fawcett, abandoned single mother of Alexander Hamilton; Abagail Adams, a wartime widow; Harriet Jacobs, an unwed mother of slavery whose autobiography was published the year the Civil War began; and widowed Belva Lockwood, the first woman to officially run for President, all carrying wounds but all offering insight, wisdom, and encouragement.



Actress Janine Turner publishes her second book in her Front Porch Philosophy series with "Wisdom For Each Day," a daily devotional containing inspiration from hundreds of enlightened individuals throughout the centuries, ranging from Socrates and Winston Churchill to Will Rogers and Ralph Waldo Emerson. This book was inspired from an old compilation of 365 typewriter typed and hand crafted epigrams attributed to Turner's great grandfather Richard Hayes Burgess (1885-1976). Bringing wisdom from antiquity to present generations, this devotional is like none other and is guaranteed to fulfill and inspire every day. 


"You are being manipulated. They are the puppeteers. You are the puppet." Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense, the defining pamphlet of his time that helped revolutionize the world. Now, Janine Turner has written, Artificial Intelligentsia versus Primal Sense revolutionizing the perception of the Technological Age by exposing the crisis of the mind, personality and soul Artificial Intelligentsia are creating. We are interacting with technology as if we are robots and we are not. Today’s addiction to social media, television and the world wide web is happening in the deep recesses of our minds resulting in suicidal, depressed and drug addicted teenagers and adults, or people who are just unsettled and unhappy and don’t know why. Awareness. Acceptance. Action. Janine Turner lays out ten steps to reclaiming your life from the divisive, dangerous and insidious manipulations of the Artificial Intelligentsia. "They [Artificial Intelligentsia] bombard children with images and influences that are way beyond their ability to comprehend, cope with, or rationalize. The children absorb it then vomit it all over their peers, not even knowing what they are doing."



In A Little Bit Vulnerable, actress Janine Turner opens up about her private life for the first time claiming she feels, “a little bit vulnerable.” In this breathtaking sweep of her half a century of living, Janine journeys through the canyons of her life and how she sought horizons. Through the treasure chest of her private poetry to essays, opinion-editorials, radio interviews and letters, Janine reveals how she climbed out of the canyons of heartbreak, alcoholism, and the recent death of her father, as well as her call to action for American men, women and children to preserve American principles. In A Little Bit Vulnerable, Janine weaves wisdom from her ancestors, Publius, politicians and her own personal “life lessons,” into a tapestry of triumph and takes the reader along with her. This moving memoir includes never-before-seen personal photographs of Ms. Turner and many of the famous (and infamous) people in her life.



Christoga - Christian Yoga DVD

Christoga is a non-traditional hatha yoga practice at beginning and intermediate levels using scriptures from the Bible as the meditation focus. The positions strengthen and lengthen muscles as well as improve breathing, concentration and balance. The progressive guided relaxation phase is both comforting and restorative. Therefore, regular Christoga practice (at least 3 times a week) will improve your ability to perform activities of daily living. Strengthen both body and soul therefore improving your quality of life!

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